Adem Fehmi Dog-ease

Adem Fehmi Dogease at The Show

We are excited to welcome Adem Fehmi to this years’ show on Sunday.

Adem owns Dog-ease, situated in Hertfordshire and one of the UKs largest canine training centres. He will be on hand to answer any questions you have about your individual dog, their training and their behaviour. So why not go over and see him beyond the traction engines to receive some tips and advice!

As a canine behaviourist with over 20 years’ experience, Adem is able to help you with all things dog! Regardless of whether you are a first time or seasoned dog owner looking to learn how to train your dog to come back when called, or you need some help to overcome more serious behavioural issues, Adem has the answers!

Adem’s kind, positive and modern approach helps you to work towards your training goals with ease, helping you to not only love your dog but also understand them so that you are able to get the most out of life together.

Sunday (only)


Training & Behaviour demonstration


Arena introduction

12.20Q&A/personalised help for show goers



Training & Behaviour demonstration


Q&A/personalised help for show goers



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